Loan car insurance question’s to qualify:

  • Be aged 25 years or over
  • Hold a current valid full UK or EEA driving licence for at least 12 months
  • Have not have accumulated more than 8 penalty points in three years
  • Have not been disqualified from driving during the last 3 years
  • Have not been involved in more than 2 at fault accidents or claims in the last 3 years
  • Have not been convicted of any criminal offence in the last 5 years or have any police prosecutions or enquiries pending
  • Not be employed as a professional entertainer or as a professional sportsperson

If they are not 25 please select insurance option and car that is suitable for either 18+ or 21+

Please qualify if the customer needs an auto or manual vehicle.

There is a monetary charge for the loan car which lowers the excess down from £5000 to either £250 or £500 depending on the age of the customer. This may vary depending on the brand.

If they answer no to any of the other questions, we must get a quote from DayInsure direct.